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Inspiration is everywhere

The slightly different art blog.

On these pages I tell you about myself, my inspiration, my everyday life as an artist and also something about how my works of art are created. But I'll also take you on a look or two behind the scenes of the art world, art marketing and everything that makes up my life with artht. With all its ups and downs.


So it gets very personal on this platform.

It gets personal: My everyday life as an artist. Karin Döring's art blog.

Inspiration is everywhere.

That's what I called my blog and that's exactly how I live. I am deeply convinced that anyone who goes through life with open eyes and an open heart can only be one thing: inspired and enthusiastic!


I look forward to taking you with me into my eventful life with art and am looking forward to your questions, feedback and suggestions in the comments.


Kind regards, yours, Karin

Podcast: Mein Weg zur Künstlerin in der aktuellen Folge des Podcasts JETZT.ICH

Künstlerin Karin Döring im Podcast Interview über Mut und Kunst
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